We do not display the featured image on this page on purpose, and let me tell you why.
I use themes as well as make them, and there’s nothing more annoying than wanting to display a really eye catching, purpose-made thumb on the portfolio index page, rather like a call-to-action, and then not wanting this same image on the detail page. I prefer to fill my detail page with the details, other images displaying details, and to write about the details and/or process.
This is why your featured image doesn’t display here.
Here’s a caption style for an embedded image in WordPress.
Pellentesque nibh felis, eleifend id, commodo in, interdum vitae, leo. Praesent eu elit. Ut eu ligula. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Maecenas elementum augue nec nisl. Proin auctor lorem at nibh.
Curabitur nulla purus, feugiat id, elementum in, lobortis quis, pede. Vivamus sodales adipiscing sapien. Vestibulum posuere nulla eget wisi. Integer volutpat ligula eget enim. Suspendisse vitae arcu. Quisque pellentesque. Nullam consequat, sem vitae rhoncus tristique, mauris nulla fermentum est.
“Typography is part of usability and design, but more importantly usability.”
Pellentesque nibh felis, eleifend id, commodo in, interdum vitae, leo. Praesent eu elit. Ut eu ligula. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos.